Belleville, IL Solar Company

Belleville, IL Solar Company

Welcome to SolarCity STL – Belleville, IL Solar Company

About Us

  SolarCity STL is Belleville, Illinois’ leading provider of top-tier solar power solutions. Our professional team is dedicated to helping you transition to renewable energy, while also saving on your energy costs. We specialize in the installation of high-efficiency solar panels, designed to harness the sun’s energy and convert it into a usable form of electricity for your home or business. 

Why Choose Solar Power?

Solar power is not just an environmentally-friendly energy alternative; it’s also a cost-effective solution. With the significant decrease in solar panel prices and the increase in efficiency, many Belleville residents are seeing substantial savings on their energy bills. Transitioning to solar power reduces your carbon footprint and helps us all move towards a more sustainable future.

Tax Incentives for Solar Power in Belleville, IL

  Did you know that adopting solar power can also bring you significant tax benefits? As a resident of Belleville, you can take advantage of both federal and state tax incentives.

  • Federal Solar Tax Credit (Investment Tax Credit): This allows you to deduct 30% of the cost of installing a solar energy system from your federal taxes. This benefit applies to both residential and commercial systems with no cap on its value. Please note that the percentage is set to decrease after 2033 unless renewed by Congress.
  • Illinois Solar Renewable Energy Credits (SRECs): Under the Illinois Shines program, homeowners and businesses who install new solar systems are eligible to receive payments for the energy produced.
  • Property Tax Incentives: Illinois law provides for a special assessment of solar energy systems for property tax purposes. This means you won’t see an increase in your property taxes due to the added value of the solar system.

These incentives make solar power an even more attractive and affordable option. Our team at SolarCity STL is experienced in navigating these incentives and will guide you through the process to ensure you maximize your benefits.

Contact Us

Ready to make the switch to solar power? Contact SolarCity STL in Belleville, IL today. Our team is ready to answer any questions and guide you through the process of switching to renewable solar energy. Start saving money and making a positive impact on our environment today!